Friday, August 27, 2010

Repost.....Happy Hookie Crochet Bag

Stopping in to say HELLO......
WOW...I have been away......So much going on in life....Changes...Whirled Wind Changes...O yes!!!!

Both my Kids Graduated..One from High School in June the other from College in July and.that was where I left off on this neglected blog.  Well, Nolan will be attended UCLA this fall, we move him in September.   Christie is completing her teaching credential and still tending to her creative side.  At the moment I am working on 2 T-shirts quilts.."Never made a quilt before in my life"  but I will share pics when they are done. I am having a lot of fun making them and my mom is helping me.  It means a lot to me to have my mom as involved as possible in my life and all that I do with the kids....Memories are priceless, don't you agree?

Well, ladies I must confess that I miss having my own creative space so I have been giving thought to starting my own cozy shop up again which will be working with Clay, Felt and Felting.  This explains the new blog title  "Oh Cherry Day"  I just was not blending with the " Empty Nest" theme...... I am still working for Ann Taylor at the moment. I love getting dressed up and hanging with the girls.  On the other hand I would love to live up at the Ranch with my little business, create as I look out at the beauty of the land and hang with the animals. So my husband and I have been going forth with our Ranch plains.

Well, until I have more can find the pattern for the Happy Hookie Crochet Bag over at Attic24, and its good to be back hope to hear from you all and catch up on what you are up too!!!!

 Hugs,  Lisa

1 comment:

  1. Hi, so you are working on the shirt quilt. you dont have to wait until they done to share pictures, works in progress are fun.
